Action 4 Equality Scotland

News & Updates


13th April 2022



As you have probably heard the unions have called off next weeks, strike


“Equal Pay Compensation Payments Dispute

Further to previous communications, the trade unions have now met with the Leader of the Council and her senior officers and been provided with more information on how the council will deliver further equal pay compensation payments. See attached a further letter from the Leader of the Council, which should be read alongside the previous letters.

The council’s plan is to begin making further equal pay compensation offers and payments from October. The work to deliver these payments will now revert to our joint claimants, legal team (Action4Equality, UNISON, GMB and UNITE). There is much work to be done so please be patient with your lawyer – they will contact you when required.

The industrial dispute objectives were to force the council to maintain the 2019 deal and agree to make further payments in an acceptable timescale. These objectives have been secured. As stated previously, these were only won because trade union members were prepared to take strike action. Well done again to all UNISON members and to our sister trade unions.

The strike action planned for 20/21 April will therefore not go ahead. However, the UNISON strike ballot remains “live” under current UK law, and we will be closely monitoring the progress to deliver further payments as agreed by the Leader of the Council. “

I hope that’s clear. GMB and UNITE also in agreement.




  1. NOTHING has yet been agreed. At the moment, it’s all promises.
  2. the strike is only suspended and if they don’t keep their promises, it will be reinstated- the ballot authorisation has been extended by 6 months. They will know well in advance if things go wrong.

3.We hope the pre 18 people will be paid out first and we’ll before October. But we still have to work out the details.

  1. October IS ONLY A TARGET. ITS NOT BINDING. I think it’s ambitious. We will let you have details of the actual timetable when it’s agreed.
  2. The SNP manifesto commitment to new pay and grading “by 2023” is nonsense. The JES is only about 25% done and talks on new pay and grading have not started. Bear all politicians promises in that light.
  3. The council have still not ended their defence to the tribunal claims! The litigation goes on.
  4. The unions view is that the council have committed to using the 2019 methodology, but the council officers have hedged about on this. It is essential that the council honours this promise.
  5. The council has finally agreed to include the ALEOS in the settlement. This is complicated because of the payment terms but it’s a very positive step.
  6. They are still blocking new grade 6 jobs. (That’s grade 6’s that were not included in 2019]. We think that is wrong in principle. We hope the council will reconsider.

Lots of folk now on holiday over Easter so next negotiation meeting is at the end of the month.

Any questions let me know.




Dear GMB member,

GMB Scotland in Glasgow City Council: Equal Pay Strikes 20 & 21 April Suspended

Your willingness to come together and take action has brought the concessions needed from Glasgow City Council.

Glasgow City Council have now given your Branch Officers their word that they will honour the basis of the 2019 agreement and aim to make an interim payment to you by October.

This is a huge step forward which your industrial strength brought about; this would not have happened without your commitment to get what you deserve.

GMB and our sister trade unions have now suspended action next week.

We know there is a mistrust of the council, and we want to reassure you our industrial action mandate remains live, and we will call for further dates of action if necessary.

What you have done shows the power when you come together with your workmates, you can be very proud of this. Do not ever underestimate your strength.

Sean Baillie

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